00778 2200217 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036007000300056008003900059020001700098082000800115084001500123100001000138245013300148260005600281300003200337520014600369600001200515250000900527990002400536INLIS00000000000699420210703015805 a0010-0321000063ta210703 | | |  a201288203018 a082 a082 MUR t0 aMurni1 aTHE INFLUENCE OF CIRC TOWARD READINGACHIEVEMENT AT 9th GRADE IN SMP MUHAMMADIYAHMERAUKE ACADEMIC YEAR2018/2019 /cMurni Aprianti aMerauke :bJurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris,c2020 a48 hlm ;c12,5 cm x 13,5 cm aEducation is a process which aimed to help and guide people for developing. Education is a process where people able to interact with others 4aSkripsi a2020 aCL100613CL100613CL1