01282 2200193 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036007000300056008003900059082001000098084001600108100002000124245024800144260011700392300003800509520051100547650001501058990001501073INLIS00000000090923520220315010830 a0010-0322000704ta220315 | | |  a001.4 a001.4 SIT p3 aSitorus, Freddy1 aPendugaan paramter demografi dan pola sebaran spasial walabi lincah (Macropus agilis papuanus, peters and Doria 1875) di kawasan Taman Nasional Wasur Papua :bstudi kasus di savana campuran Udi-Udi seksi pengelolaan III Wasur /cFreddy Sitorus aBogor :bDepartemen Konservasi Sumberdaya Hutan dan Ekowisata Fakultas Kehutanan Institut Pertanian Bogor,c2008 a[viii, 52 hlm.] :bilus. ;c30 cm aAgile wallaby (macropus agilis papuanus) is one the marsupialia from macropus endemic and flagshiev spesies it's only found in Wasur National Park Merauke Papua agile wallaby as a main herbivor in savannah at Wasur National according ti staft of Wasur National Park and local community that population of agile wallaby had been reduction due to hunting activity and the changes of habitat from savannah to invasive savannah by invasion other plant like Melaleuca sp and Eucalyptus sp -- sumber dari abstrak 4aPenelitian aCL2CL23511